• Sheet molding compound, SMC machine

    SMC special production equipment for sheet molding compound SMC is the abbreviation of "Sheet Moulding Compound" in English, which means sheet molding compound, which is a new type of thermosetting molded composite material.

    203 2022-01-03


In the daily maintenance operation of the four-column hydraulic press, the steering device is an indispensable process for preparing the four-column hydraulic press. Operators not only have to use steering, they also need to be careful with maintenance.

Four-column hydraulic steering devices often have simple problems in the application, which are usually awkward, misaligned, sloshing, and noisy during operation. The heavy-duty steering of the four-column hydraulic machine is mainly due to the absence of a steering device, which has little to do with the steering device. The main factors that cause the steering to sink are as follows: The amount of hydraulic oil is small.

The sealing effect is not good enough, the gas enters the hydraulic device of the four-column hydraulic machine; the gear pump device of the hydraulic pump is worn or the pulley device of the hydraulic pump is damaged. This type may cause the hydraulic booster to fail. Easy to use.


The phenomenon of steering pendulum is mainly caused by loosely arranged steering connections, incorrect positioning of the front wheels, and the difference between the two front tires.

The steering deviation phenomenon is mainly due to improper equipment or adjustments when repairing the steering gear. In particular, the equipment and adjustment of the steering gear worm and hydraulic oil distribution valve can make the steering lose. Sometimes, uneven adjustment of the brakes on the two front wheels can also cause new deviations.

The abnormal noise during steering is mainly caused by the looseness of the driving pulley, the loosening of the bolts fixing the steering pump or the low level of the fuel tank.

In combination with the above, we should be accurate and accurate in the internship to maintain the stability of the four-column hydraulic operation. The following points should be explained in detail, similar to the lack of hydraulic oil, whether there is a problem with the steering direction, and whether the steering pump is loose.

Daily maintenance of four-column hydraulic press